This is the beginning of something beautiful.

They say change is good. They say to keep moving forward. They say nothing is impossible. Or that things are impossible until they're not.
I, Monika, wholeheartedly believe it in all of the above. I've been there. I've done it. The impossible.

When I was younger, I've done a lot of messy and s*itty things. I felt guilty for a long time and I regretted all of my stupid choices. Life paid me back, punished me and then let me move forward. Sometimes the past knocks on my door and I have to let it in, apologise for any wrongdoing on my side and pay the asked price. But then I close the door and I choose to not let it rule my life, because there's only so much a person can do and we have only one life. I focus on the present and on the future. And I am happy.

Where's that change that I've started my post with, you ask? Well, here it comes...
Over a year ago I moved to Seville - a city in the south of Spain, where streets smell of oranges and wine. I changed my entire life, including my career. And I don't regret a thing.
When I lived in England I was a manager in a coffee shop, part of a big chain. I loved being a barista, I loved making coffee, I hated all of the other aspects of my job.
And as much as I liked my life in England, the whole Brexit tension and sudden hostile behaviours I witnessed made me want to move. And I got a perfect occasion when I met my current second half.
At some point he said he's going back to Spain to teach and by that time I've decided that I like this one, this one is awesome and I can't let this one go.
And so a month after he left, I left. And I arrived here. To Seville. And I fell in love. With everything - culture, food, language and so on...
During this year I obtained a CELTA qualification that allows me to teach English. And this September I started working as a teacher in the academy. And I love it!

And now, after a year of living in Seville, I have decided to start this blog. Simply because I need a place where I can share my experiences with more than just my boyfriend.
Maybe I will be able to help someone with relocating to a new country as well? 
It will be a place where I can share my teaching experience (hence the word game tea/chair), but also where I will be writing about places to see and food to eat.
I'm not going to be a yet another blog with lesson plans and teaching aids, but if I find something that I love, that works or that blew me away, then I will definitely share it.

Officially the blog will start on the 1st on November 2018.
But I think today's post makes sense as it's Teacher's Day in Poland.

Until next time!



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